Author: Oby

Organize Better Mom, Save Time!

Organize Better Mom, Save Time!

Tips for Meal Prep and Planning So 2 years ago, my youngest daughter developed hives rashes or also known as urticaria. It came suddenly and I didn’t know what brought about it or how it came about. I immediately took her to the hospital and 

Best Fast Food To Lose Weight And Live More!

Best Fast Food To Lose Weight And Live More!

When it comes to food and nutrition, nothing can be compared to a well-balanced nutrient-rich diet. A plate is never complete without the necessary food colours present in it. The different food colours show the phytonutrients seen in various foods and these colours mean different, pub-7193672121133974, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Get drunk for the right reasons! Live longer

Get drunk for the right reasons! Live longer

You may ask, can you get drunk for the right reasons? Can you drink every day and live a long healthy life?   Well, it depends on what you drink which, affects your body. I drink tea! Yeah, you heard me right. It is tea.